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every day thankfulness

Hey y'all! Happy Monday! So sorry that I didn't post twice last week. I had a super busy week, and the three day weekend wasn't any different. Anywho, here's my post for this Monday since I promised Mondays would be our big days and I'm trying to stick to that. Love you and I hope you enjoy!

I've been thinking lately about my relationship with Jesus. There hasn't been anything awfully major that's happened to the point where it's shaken my outlook on life, so I feel like nothing major has happened between Him and I. I don't know where a lot of y'all stand right now, but I've been feeling a certain way, and since y'all read my blog, you're gonna hear about it.

the garden section at my local Lowe's

2 bullseyes, a cup of fruit, and a cute succulent

I was talking to a boy in a couple of my classes the other day, and he told me that he's been doing this prayer challenge. I immediately thought to myself, "Oh good for you! That's super cool, but I could never do that."

He told me that he's praying every morning at breakfast, and throughout his day until he goes to bed. He was telling me that he's basically praying the Lord's Prayer throughout his day, just in a different order. He also was talking about how when you're praying to God outside of your house or outside of church, you don't have to be the weird kid who sits in the corner and says it outloud, you can just say it in your head because you can talk with God without even making a sound.

in and out :))

fraaaank sinatraaaaaa on my ben platt radio!! (my two favorites)

While he continued telling me how this particular prayer challenge worked, I honestly toned out a little and reflected upon the mere concept of a prayer challenge. How is anyone able to commit to all that?

Once I tuned back in to what he had been saying, he told me about what he'd prayed about that morning at breakfast. All that he was thankful for, all that he had been privileged to posses, etc. When I thought over his long list in my head, I realized how often I forget to thank God for the little things. At the moment, I can't remember whether I've already written about this topic yet or not, but if I have, here I go again.

A friend of my family's who also happens to be a successful Christian artist, Tim Timmons (go check him out!) has a couple of catchphrases he uses all the time. One thing he says frequently is that he's so thankful that God woke him up today. Imagine being thankful just to wake up in the morning. And to take time out of your morning to thank God for that. It's things like that in which folks like us take for granted nowadays.

Colossians 3:17 says "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

When I read this verse, I often think about good words or deeds as donating socks to charity or being apart of a canned SpaghettiO's drive or something helpful of the sort. What is so rad though, is that this verse can also mean thanking the Lord that I woke up this morning or that Frank Sinatra came on my Pandora without having to use any skips.

I've started considering that to be my personal prayer challenge. I know that there will be days where I'm not in the mood to pray like this, or maybe I'm not in the mood to pray at all, but that's why it's a challenge. I challenge you all to maybe try something like that too! It's easy to forget to be grateful for the simple and mundane things like waking up in the morning and owning a pair of shoes, so maybe just take a lil' bit of time out of your day to thank God for that.

With that said, I'll let you all be for a bit.

Much Love,

Delaney Miller

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