Homecoming was over a month ago, (I KNOW, I KNOOOWWW I'm late to this trend train and it's already left the station) butttttt here's a lil' post about it.
Last year, (oof,) was a rough one for me. If you've read that post, I was dumped and had no friends and went to homecoming as a single gal with a few new friends. This year, on the other hand, was the opposite. I went to homecoming with this mass group of buddies, went with my super cool best friend, and hung out with my homies all night long. There was no pressure, no stress, just hanging out with my friends because I genuinely wanted to be there. It was so nice to actually be "in the moment" for the first time in forever.
As my about page states, I can be quite the introvert sometimes. And on occasion, it really gets to me and bothers me so much that instead of going out on a Friday or Saturday night, I just stay home watching Netflix and eating leftovers in the comfort of my own bed. So normally, a night as eventful as this would cause a lot of anxiety. But for whatever reason, I wasn't even the slightest bit nervous for this. I took a wild amount of photos, ate some In and Out, and then danced the night away without a care in the world.
And this is what leads me to talk about moshing. Mosh pits are one of my many definitions of social anxiety. People are close, and tall, and sweaty, and close and then I hyperventilate a lot. But this time, something about being with people who make me completely comfortable, I moshed the night away. Never in a million years did I think I'd have enough courage to do that.
With all that said, (which in reality is basically nothing because there's not a lot to say; I just really wanted to post about Homecoming,) I'll see y'all next time.
Much Love,
Delaney Miller