Hey from the new decade! I hope y’all are doing well, my love goes out to each of you. I hope the 20’s do ya good old sport. (I really wanna bring that back…)
Anywhoo, I wanted to take this opportunity to share my goals with you on here!
1. Grow my brand
2. Post more consistently
3. Have more guest writers
4. Possibly merge to other platforms?
I’m still sorta figuring it all out, but I’ve been running this blog for about 3 ½ years now and I wanna do something more. Whether that means move from blogging to YouTube videos or something like that, we’ll see. & I don’t expect to conquer this all in one year, I’ve got a whole decade for this stuff. I’m in no rush. Plus, my life’s super busy (per usual), but more busy that normal considering college is right around the corner. So go enjoy your time with your friends and family, I have a 5 paged paper for English to write.
Much Love,