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I've been waiting to post about this cast for quite some time, but I wanted to wait until Macy's were over so that I could brag about that on my blog too! Sooooo this one goes out to my "How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying" cast!


From the very beginning, I knew that this was going to be a good time, but I had no idea how much sweeter it would become as the rehearsals progressed.

I was very lucky to have been cast as a featured role and as the understudy for the female lead Rosemary. Working with this particular cast was such a lovely time because everyone was so silly.

The rehearsals took a lot of energy out of me and I was always exhausted by the end of the day, but it was so worth it. We had shows a couple of months ago in April, and although I'd love to speak about it all in depth, it would get really boring for you really fast, so lemme recap.


Here were a few funny moments:

The second night we performed, the prop master forgot to set out the phone prop that I was supposed to be using in the next two scenes. When we got onstage, the techs in the soundbooth played the cue for the ringing telephone, but it wasn't onstage. So I had to literally go looking for it DURING the scene. I can't really remember what my scene partner and I did to improvise our way out of that situation because I kinda blacked out, but I'm still alive and that's what matters, right?

Every single night I had issues with my microphone, but on Friday the MACY's judges came and I had put on extra tape and everything to try and get my mic to stay on and work with me. And of course during the dance number that I have a solo in, my mic fell off in front of the judges. Now, as a professional, I quickly tucked it away and then worked a little harder to sing out. When I got backstage though, we couldn't fix it. Not only had the microphone fallen off of my face, but it had just stopped working entirely so I took it off, and for the rest of the first act, I just had to project. When it came time for the second act, our head tech found me backstage saying that now they had fixed the mic and I needed to wear it because he had gotten yelled at because I wasn't wearing it. A classic mic fiasco.

On closing night we struggled a little bit more to gain focused energy. It was quite obvious because onstage when I opened my mouth to sing my solo in "A Secretary Is Not A Toy," the girl behind me started singing it too. We both made fast eye contact with each other onstage and then laughed about it when we got off. It was a pretty classic joke for the rest of the night.

With those silly moments said, we finished our show run with a long midnight meal at Denny's which I have to say was the silliest moment of them all. We were so tired and worn out and hyped from adrenaline that basically anything that anyone said was funny. This went from us saying things over and over again just because we couldn't remember if we had already said them or not, to us trying to get "the perfect selfie lighting" in a dimly lit Denny's at 1 AM. We were so fatigued.

They called us one last time to return everything on the Monday after our shows ended and it was a little depressing knowing that we would no longer have rehearsals. When we got there, we all put our librettos away and hung up our costumes and cleaned out the dressing rooms and then sat down one last time. Our director said that she had one final announcement, so we stayed a little extra and she announced that not only were we going to Macy's, but we were going to be PERFORMING at the MACY AWARDS.

*For those of you who don't know what the Macy's are, they are like the Tony's but for high school theater.


What that meant, was that rehearsals weren't quite over yet. We still had to prepare for the awards show! SOOOOO fast forward to two weeks ago! MACY'S! We performed! On Segerstrom stage! Together! As a cast! For the final time!!!

It was so special for me to have had the privilege to perform alongside my H2$ cast at Segerstrom because I performed there with OCSA for Season Finale last year. That's just wild. I was so thankful to be able to cheer on two schools at one time! Crazy... and guess what was even crazier? I won an award! That whole night was a total dream.

With that all said, this post is very short (I KNOW IT DOESN'T EXPLAIN MUCH), but these photos sort of speak for themselves so here:

And if you've read this post and you've made it to the end and you are still confused by all that I just said, I want you to know that I'm confused too. I've only gotten six hours of sleep in the past three days or so. I'm sorry.

"uNcLe jAsPeR?!"

Much Love,

Delaney Miller

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