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crazy king arthur

I know that I'm waaaaaay late, but the blog post for this show is FINALLY here.

the cast of cRaZy KiNg aRthUR


Boy oh boy, never have I been so exhausted by a show. This show took more energy out of me than I thought it would.

This show (if you didn't come see it) was full of dancing, lip-syncing, and a plot that made ZERO sense. It was surprisingly hard for me to understand what was going on and I was IN the show. Nevermind that though, I'm not here to talk about the show itself but more about the aftermath of it.

Real Quick; I'm going to say a couple THANK YOUs.

Knights of the Round Table (and Michael Babushka): Thank you for making me laugh so hard that I almost peed my pants. Your dance moves are all too much. I'm so thankful for your high energy and support towards the rest of the cast. Y'all were seriously the backbone of this show and I couldn't be more proud of the wonderful job you guys did.

Lana and Claire: You guys were too cute onstage and off. Your chemistry was downright silly and you two are just so fun to work with.

Hailey and her Fairies: Ah! You three have grown so much! It's been insane to watch the you all mature and become more and more comfortable on the stage and I just feel like sucha proud mom.

Max: You were one heck of a King Arthur. Thanks for making me laugh hysterically from backstage every day.

Hannah Breeland: You were the greatest Guinevere I've ever seen. You are seriously a princess and I refuse to believe any different. Thanks for making me smile and for just being world's most adorable human being.

Ladies Of The Court and Jaclyne (aka the best Lady of the Lake I've ever had the honor of performing with): Thank you for making those awkward cheers and seizure moments worth it. Thank you for making me a little less miserable. Thank you for laughing in all of the moments where I think I'm funny, but I'm actually not. Thank you for not yelling at me when I cleaned the dressing room mirrors with Clorox wipes because I was too tired to get Windex and find paper towels. Thank you for endless smiles and giggles. I could go on for ages talking about y'all, but I have so much more to say today.

And to the Period Four Cast: You all were lovely! I was so proud of all of your hard work and was so impressed with the final product.

So with those THANK YOUs aside, I'd like to talk about the cast party for this show because that's what really set this show apart. The cast part for this show was with both casts, not just our cast, which was really cool because we got to hang out with everyone and it was hecka inclusive! Not only was it just full of talented people that I love and care for immensely, but it was also a massive breeding ground for Jesus talk! What I mean by that is that this cast party made for an amazing opportunity to share and talk about God. Lemme fill you in:

(This next portion is mentioned in my post "what's next?" so if you want a more detailed look into that, check out that post.)

So after we played a bunch of games, I walked outside to talk with my pals Alyssa and Hannah about something that had been poking holes into our friendship. We sat outside for a couple minutes explaining to each other what our sides of the story were and what was true versus untrue. As we chatted, Scott, the other cast's TA/Aid came out to ask if we were okay. Hannah and I looked at each other and communicated mentally that neither of us were feeling 100%. Scott asked what was going on and my immediate response was just that the past few weeks haven't been the greatest for me. And the icing on the cake was that I didn't get accepted to go on the missions trip to Haiti that I'd been praying about all year. Scott walked down the stairs in his backyard to where Hannah, Alyssa, and I were sitting and he sat with us.

After he came over, he asked me what do I know to be true about God? I answered that He loves us and cares about us and that he made us. Now, all of those are true answers, and I didn't even have to think about them, but those answers weren't what I needed to hear at the moment. Scott laughed and said no. He asked me again, but I couldn't think of anything at the moment. I looked around with a blanks stare.

"When He says no, that isn't a no forever," Scott told us.

And then, the Holy Spirit took over. Scott began talking about how there is clearly much more in store for me and that this no right now, isn't the end for me. It means that He has better plans, bigger plans for me during that time. Maybe, He wants me to be a kingdom worker here and in the community around me. Maybe He doesn't need me flying to a country to spread his light, but He needs me here. Honestly, it was all so much and so good that I just sat there trying to retain as much as I could because I didn't want to miss anything. I mean, I'm not too sure where God wants me right now and what He wants me to do, but I think that if I continue to follow, the Lord will lead me somewhere and it will be much greater than I could have ever imagined.

(New Content Here:)

Anywho, as the Lord spoke through Scott, a few other cast members came to sit with us and talk with us. Throughout the night, we relocated our conversation which allowed even more cast members to join. It was so powerful to look at a night that could have just been a typical cast party full of show jokes and pizza, and see it be transformed into a circle where Christ was at work. We spent hours talking about some questions that others had and answering them with encouragement and scripture. It was beyond awesome.

At the end of the night, we all sat in a circle and prayed. I don't know how long we sat there praying, but we prayed for a WHILE. (The cast party ended at 11 and we'd already been talking since about 9:30, but when we all lifted our heads after praying, it was a little after 12. Sooooo it had been QUITE A BIT of time.) Regardless, we continued chatting after our prayer until it was about 12:30. When I walked into my house at 12:45, I was just so full of joy and I felt so awake despite what time it was.

I'm sharing this story on my Crazy King Arthur post because if it weren't for this show, I would not have been apart of a crazy conversation about the real, true king who rules in heaven. I'm just overwhelmed with the love these people posses and their curiosity to discover and seek out Jesus. I can't believe that I almost didn't attend this cast party. My heart is so full.

Much Love, Delaney Miller

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