I had a different post scheduled for today, but I rescheduled it for Friday (but I might change it and make it later, so don't be hurt if you're waiting for it and it doesn't show up) so y'all will be getting an unusual three posts from me this week. Anywho, the point of this spontaneous post is that this girl right here finally got her braces off! I was smiling so much my eyes look like they're shut and my mouth and jaw are a little sore, but that's all good!
I know this is kind of a lame thing for me to post about, but it's a big deal for me, so here we go with a lil' recap:
I got my braces put on for the first time in third or fourth grade. I only had them for a couple of years because they were off in about fifth grade. When I got my second phase put on in seventh grade, I didn't know how long I'd have them on, it felt like forever. But the day's finally come folks! I got them off yesterday!
I feel like because I just recapped my brace face transition, I kinda need to fill you in on what's been up with me lately! It's been busy, but it's been alright!
Not only did I get my braces off yesterday, but I also had my first performance for the Children's Theater show I'm in! "Wicked Is As Wicked Does" has been such a fun show to put together, and performances are this week, so I'm pretty hyped. I play Queen Snow White in this adorably hilarious show and it's been such a dream come true for me, but I'll make a separate post for/about that show once closing night is over and the show is all wrapped up. (But much love to my wonderful cast! If any of you are reading this, I'm so proud of each and every one of you and I'm so blessed to be apart of a family that is so talented and so silly.)
Additionally, I have my second choir concert on Monday, and I can't wait to tell you all about it and give you the run down later next week. I have so much I'm waiting to tell you, so be prepared. (That sounds a little strange now that I've typed it, but that's future Delaney's problem and if she leaves it cool. If not, cool.)
*(UPDATE: future Delaney did NOT post about that concert, so if you are sad, she is sorry!)
Overall though, my mood's been pretty stoked on all that's been going on at school. Show and tech weeks/rehearsals are my favorite, so life's been pretty good. I just wanted to make the announcement about my braceless face, hence this post. Whoops:) Sorry not sorry!
Much Love,
Delaney Miller