Today's been a long day. Yesterday was a long day too. Honestly, I don't know how I've been feeling recently. I think I could describe it as maybe feeling kind of like I'm floating, in the sense that I don't feel anchored down by anything and my brain is slightly becoming mush. But you know what? That's okay! That's completely okay.
I had one moment today though, where my mind just kinda did its own thing. During choir class, my teacher announced that we were going to go down to the parking garage and practice where there are good acoustics. All of the sudden I started tearing up.
I'm normally not someone who cries a lot. I haven't been experiencing anything outside of my daily routine, today was an average day for me, but all of the sudden I started tearing up, and I didn't know why. I had a couple of friends ask me if it was my time of the month or if I was just upset about something, or if it was about something personal. I didn't know how to answer their questions. I genuinely had no idea why I was getting so emotional over something so small. We were walking over to sing in a parking garage.
Not. A. Big. Deal.
But after singing, when we got back to the class, I had this moment where I was so overwhelmed with thankfulness. So grateful for the songs we've been singing, for the classes I've been able to take, but most importantly for the friendships I'm making. The minute I poke my head into the choir room I'm welcomed by someone. The second I take a step into the choir room I'm hugged by someone. The quick moment where I open the door and slip inside is so sweet. I've made it home. I'm finally home. I can leave all my worries outside the door and come in with no shame and no fear and no stress. It's delightful.
God's blessed me with a second home. A second family. I'm so excited to travel and sing and live life with y'all this year. I love all of you so deeply. Even in the crazy, God's been so good to me.
I'm not entirely sure how to close this post since this is my first one day recap (I think?), but I guess I'll end it in saying this; I am so incredibly grateful for you all (subscribers, choir members, friends, family, those of you who've just happened to stumble across my blog on the internet) and whether it takes a strange 'on the verge of tears' moment to realize it or not, you're loved and cared for by both God and I.
Much Love,
Delaney Miller