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dear white people,

I try to steer clear of posting about my political beliefs on social media. There's not much of an excuse for that, I just hate being controversial. It makes me uncomfortable. Although, lately it's really been hitting me hard that I can't live like that anymore. Honestly, none of us have an excuse to live like that. I am a passionate person, but what good does it do if I don't share what I'm passionate about with the people around me? So here's a letter to my peers. To my friends. To my family. To my acquaintances. To my authorities. To white people.

Dear White People,

Oftentimes, when a tragedy occurs outside of white culture, we tend to neglect the issue, choosing not to respond. However, on the rare occasion that we do respond, we usually use the phrase "All Lives Matter." Of course all lives matter- but by saying "All Lives Matter" we fail, I fail, ignoring the bias we possess.

I feel like I shouldn't even have to say this, but I'm white. I'm a small, Christian, white girl living in Southern California. If that doesn't scream white privilege, I don't know what does.

But do you know what scares me? What scares me is the fact that so many of us choose to pretend that white privilege does not exist.

Now, before you get actively upset, please let me explain:

White privilege refers to the societal benefits that white people have over people of color. White privilege does not mean that white people do not face hardship. It simply addresses the fact that our challenges do not stem from our race and/or our ethnicities. & Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, there is serious bias. (Our lack of acknowledgement is ignorance, by the way. That isn't necessarily bad, it just emphasizes our deficiency of education and/or understanding! In this case, it has to do with how people of color are treated differently because of racial profiling.)

"All Live Matter" calls attention to an issue that "Black Lives Matter" does not address. It claims a lack of focus on white people & how our lives are "equal" to black people and people of color- which is not true. The term "All Lives Matter" requires you to strip attention from the "Black Lives Matter" movement & put it on white people.

Not only does the phrase "All Lives Matter"fail to address white privilege, but it's a lukewarm statement. It's mild. It's passive.

& I'm not going to lie, more often than not, being submissive sounds far more appealing. Speaking up is certainly scary, for sure, but imagine being regularly profiled and preyed on. That, my friends, is beyond scary. But it doesn't stop there.

The fact that there are people in this world who actively believe that they are superior based on their race is sickening. The fact that our black brothers & sisters continue to get hurt because of our faults is gut-wrenching. The fact that the vast majority of us pay no attention to this issue is absolutely horrifying! Yet we choose to say things like "All Lives Matter" or we choose to say nothing! Both of these options are passive!

The ability to speak up is a privilege so how come we're not using our privilege to further push this message? You don't need an invitation. I encourage you, I implore you. Please. Please speak up and speak out.

Much Love,

Delaney Marie Miller



Hi there! I want to start out by saying that I see where you’re coming from, and I appreciate you doing looking through my socials to back up your comment. While I agree with the vast majority of your statement, I do feel the need to clarify a few things. First, I am fully aware that we are in the midst of a global pandemic and I’ve been doing everything in my power to be as safe as possible. Next, it’s important to point out that what is seen on social media is only a fraction of a person’s life. It’s simply the highlight reel and does not depict all of the things that happen offline. With that in mind,…


Jamarcus Wallace
Jamarcus Wallace

I find it amusing that although you speak so highly against “white privilege”, you continue to abuse the system in which gives you privilege. Upon viewing your Instagram page, I see you going out on vacation and hanging with your friends, acting as if there is not an ongoing global pandemic ruining the lives of millions. Likewise, you refer to the lockdown as “coronacation” and “rona-break”. If that isn’t abusing your privilege then I don’t know what is. White privilege does not exist. Wealth privilege exists though; and you are the epitome of it.

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