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my double concussion

Did you enjoy my first sitcom post? About me having third degree burns? *wink wink* WELL IF SO, WELCOME TO MY SECOND SITCOM POST! (I feel like I sound like a commercial...)

Sorry for that poorly written introduction, I just enjoy cheesy openings to my blog posts because I never know how to start anything formally.

AnYwHo, this story is one from a couple years ago because I realized that I have a plethora of stories that I can share with you from previous experiences. This story is titled "My Double Concussion" and I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do (now of course, not in the moment...).

My mom and I were leaving my grandparent's house one evening to meet up with my dad and brothers at our family friends' house for dinner. My grandparent's live on a very calm little street in Irvine, so when I was climbing from the backseat to the front, (which is a normal thing my brothers and I do when there's only two people in the car,) I expected to hop over the cup holder safely and shimmy my way into the passenger's seat. Of course, though, that wasn't what had happened.

just some fancy car i found online

As I moved to take the step over the cup holder and center console, my mom slammed on the breaks. I went flying forward into our minivan's stereo.

I began screaming. Everything had happened so quickly and everything hurt so badly, I couldn't stop screaming.

I looked to my mom who was making eye contact with something in the street. Apparently, the neighbors had run into the street to grab their basketball thinking that they were faster than my mother's minivan. They obviously weren't because my had to hit the brakes in order to not hit the neighbor.

Seconds later, my mom had let go of the brakes, but this idiotic neighbor ran into the street again to get his basketball, which by now was already on the other side of the street. So really, he could have waited for the car to pass, but he didn't. My mom had to hit the breaks once again(!), but this time, instead of banging just my head into all of the buttons, my shoulder, neck, and head hit it this time. (Keep in mind, I was still screaming from the first time I had hit my head, so the second time definitely didn't help.)

a very aesthetically pleasing photo of a bike because i'm not THAT cute

The neighbor ran up to my mom's car window asking why I was screaming, and well, let's say that if my brain was fast enough and fully present to have taken in the full situation, I would have been screaming at him. Regardless, my mom chatted with him about the present situation and then we turned around to go back to my grandparent's house. My mom ran inside to pick up some frozen peas to use as ice packs, and then we drove off to our friend's house for dinner.

I felt absolutely miserable all dinner long, so I went to the bathroom thinking I would go and throw up. As I looked in the bathroom mirror, I noticed that my head was bleeding and I proceeded to cry. I was so dizzy and so bruised and felt so awful, my family finished their dinners early and we headed home.

For a couple of weeks, I felt dizzy and was self-diagnosed with a concussion. One day though, I was feeling a little bit better. My dad, brothers, and my neighbor (not the neighbor previously mentioned) Hayley, were going to go out on a bike ride to get ice cream. I really wanted ice cream. And fresh air. So I made the dumb decision to go out on this bike ride with my family. As we were riding, I began to feel a bit dizzy. I thought that I'd be able to handle it,so I kept riding. We were in viewing distance of our ice cream destination, and due to my dizziness, I swerved, hitting Hayley's bike. In that instant, I knew that one of us was going to fall over, so I took the fall instead of her.

As I hit the ground, my arm twisted backwards and my head hit the grass on the side of the road. I laid there for a few minutes attempting to regain feeling and consciousness, until a couple cars pulled over on the side of the road to see if I was okay. My dad handled crowd control as he phoned my mom to come pick me up and take me to the emergency room. When my mom pulled up, I began bawling. I don't know if I was more upset due to the fact that I was in so much pain or due to the fact that I never got my ice cream.

I got into the car as my mom and I rushed to the ER. We waited for almost two hours in the waiting room and got in at around sunset, only to find out that I had sprained my elbow and gotten yet ANOTHER concussion. I laid in the hospital bed holding back tears. I was scheduled to be on crutches for a number of months and I would be unable to dance for a while too. Looking back at it, I can laugh because I had the worst of luck and I made the stupidest of choices, but hey- it made a good sitcom story, didn't it?

Anyways, that's all I've got for today. Another day, another blog.

Much Love,

Delaney Miller

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